What would happen if the systems within our society focused on care and healing instead of growth and profit?
In A Case for Compassion: What Happens When We Prioritize People and the Planet, Sara Schairer—a leader in the compassion field—examines five of our most influential systems: education, health care, corrections, law enforcement, and the workplace. Using personal narratives, research, thought-leader interviews, and examples of compassionate institutions, Schairer shows us that compassion can solve many of our society's most pressing problems.
You'll read inspiring stories about examples of compassion, including:
-A neurosurgeon who bucks the system in order to take as much time as necessary with each patient.
-A correctional system with a goal of creating good neighbors.
-A police chief who encourages self-compassion, compassion, and mindfulness among his officers.
-A bakery that bakes brownies in order to hire people, not the other way around.
In times of despair, Sara Schairer's A Case for Compassion offers a compass pointing toward hope and, most importantly, maps out the route to get there.