CQ is the magazine for active hams, with a focus on the practical. Every article is clearly written and aimed at involving you, the reader...whether it's a story of operating from some exotic location, an article to deepen your understanding of ham radio science and technology, or a fun-to-build project that will have practical use in your ham shack. Join us on our monthly journey through the broad and varied landscape of the world's most fascinating hobby!
CQ Amateur Radio
ham radio news
zero bias: a cq editorial • CQ Contests and the War in Ukraine Revisited Plus, New CQ Award Policy Takes Effect
news bytes • W2NAF Gets NSF Grant to Study Grayline and Solar Eclipses
Results of the 2022 CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest
CQ Interviews: RTTY Contester Julio Tarraço, PY2XV • Ham radio’s big umbrella covers a wide variety of specialties and sub-hobbies. Contesting is one of the more popular of these, and radioteletype (RTTY) contesting is a specialty area within a specialty area. In this interview with South American RTTY contester Julio Tarraço, PY2XV, Contributing Editor-at-Large PT2ZDX/LU9EFO explores not only Julio’s dedication to the sport but a brief history of RTTY and tips on successful RTTY contesting.
A DXpedition to Juan Fernandez Island (Robinson Crusoe’s Island) • It’s a lot of fun to finally meet a DX buddy after a few years of regular skeds. It’s even more fun If you can tie in a DXpedition with the visit WB6W0D accomplished both.
In Search of the Real Wouff Hong • Are you familiar with the Wouff Hong? Do you know a fellow ham who has been subjected to its fearsome punishment? One who should be? AC7ZL applies 21st -century computer technology to try to pinpoint the true source of this ham radio legend.
The Vibroplex and Other Keys on Ships, Aircraft, and at Coastal Radio Stations • Commercial telegraphers often carried their own keys from assignment to assignment. Often, they were Vibroplex “bugs.” N1EA shares some key tales — including his own — as well as a look at the history of popular telegraph keys in commercial service.
Oops… 2022 CQWW 160-Meter Contest Errata • Due to a production error, the incorrect Top Scores, Plaque Winners, and Club Score boxes were published with the results in the August issue. The correct boxes are published here. We apologize for the error. NOTE: This material further corrects and updates the correction that was previously posted online.
Protect Your NanoVNA Plus, a “Cheat Sheet” for Making Common Measurements • The very capable and inexpensive NanoVNA vector network analyzer has become very popular among hams. But it’s very delicate as delivered and it comes without instructions. WA9PYH solves both of these problems.
Procedures for Various Measurements with the NanoVNA • The steps that follow for various common procedures probably won’t make much sense if you don’t have a NanoVNA. However, they should be very helpful if you do. These instructions are based on YouTube videos by Alan Wolke, W2AEW.
math’s notes • An Active Antenna Project
the listening post • Brazil Renews Activity on 60 Meters Plus, the Wandering Frequency of Voz Missionaria
emergency communications • Is Your Family Ready?
kit building • QDX: A Pocket Full of Fun
the ham notebook • Making the Right Connections: RF Connector Assembly
what’s new
ham radio explorer • Keeping Track of Your Contacts with a Log
mf/lf operating: Life Below the AM Broadcast Band • Fun with Ground Waves!
On The Cover
learning curve • Getting Acquainted With 6 Meters
digital connection • Packet on 1.25 Meters QRV on This Wildly Underused Allocation
vhf plus •...